Portuguese (Português) belongs to the Romance branch of the Indo-European language family and is spoken by almost 180 million people in Portugal, Brazil and the former Portuguese colonial territories. It is one of the 24 official languages of the EU.
Learning Portuguese
As a Romance language, Portuguese is closely related to Spanish, French and Italian and is a relatively straightforward language to learn to speak, understand, read and write. The pronunciation can be challenging for native speakers of English. There are some differences between Iberian and Brazilian Portuguese, mainly involving pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. Although these differences are not significant at beginner and elementary levels, we appreciate that it may be important for learners at higher levels to work with a trainer from the country they will be working with or traveling to.
Portuguese for business
We specialise in Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese courses for adult business learners. At all levels of proficiency, training is set in the context of the course participant’s work and is geared to developing a secure command of general and business Portuguese. All of our Portuguese courses combine systematic language input with interesting and stimulating discussion to enhance the participants’ knowledge of Portuguese or Brazilian culture, politics, the media and the business scene.
Our Portuguese trainers
Our trainers are all native speakers of Portuguese or Brazilian Portuguese, qualified teachers and university graduates. They are all experts in making their language accessible to learners and in delivering challenging, up-to-date and relevant training programmes.
Many of our course participants in Portuguese incorporate an externally moderated business language examination in their course. Please contact us for information about the general and business Portuguese examinations available to you.
More information
For more information about our Portuguese courses, please contact us.